Delhi Police Museum
The Delhi Police museum was initially established in the year 1991 in the ground floor of the CBI headquarters within the CGO complex, block no. 4 on Lodi Road in New Delhi which later on got shifted to the current location of Kingsway Camp.
This museum takes us into the world of thrill and sensation as museum contains several thought provoking items all related to police, crime and criminals, from the past to the modern times. Exhibited items are acquired from different states and central police organizations both of Indian and Foreign Origin.
The museum features several kinds of artefacts from pictures to weapons and other accessories.
It also provides a picture about the history of the delhi police through the change in uniforms and weapons. Different criminal related documents are also on display here. The museum has a single oval spaced gallery hall where items are systematically and thematically displayed. A replica of a canon in brass is put on display at the entrance door. The museum building looks impressive with the delhi police logo adorning the central arch of it.