Regina Carmona
Regina Carmona has a work based on her personal journey into a tuned dialogue with the being and the destiny. The sensory and affective host relations with nature and the human exposes the body as a shelter an inner abode and sacred place which demands love, feeding and respect.
She stands in the contemporary scenario in the 90’s through artist selection of Museum of Contemporary Art of University of Sao Paulo. Multidisciplinary artist, in disseminating artistic activist, has conducted art projects, research and exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. Coordinator for special art and exchange projects at Sanskriti Foundation. Take part at important exhibitions at museums and galleries, art festivals, art environment events. Works in collections as Museum of Contemporary Art of São Paulo, Museum of Contemporary Art Sorocaba, SESC Parana, Sanskriti Museums, Tescani Romania. Author of sensorial art space Caminhas Brancas at Ibirapuera Park, where also created PEACE, installation written in the waters of the lake in tribute of 60’s park birthday. Lives and works in Sao Paulo.
About her published works in the words of the Artist…………
“the best is an art language poetic related to this opening to the natural, to the life itself and to the nature of things. An art lecture engaged with life, livelihoods and behavior in its broadest sense and universal holistic meaning”
* Image and Artwork copyright: Artist
You can visit her website here :
Teus trabalhos são lindos Regina. Parabens!